
Hi! I'm Zach Taylor

Gratitude and Reflection from The Center for Transforming Education

Published 6 months ago • 3 min read

Welcome to our growing community! This newsletter will be sent out periodically to keep people informed about events and to spread new and exciting resources to educators.

Dear CTED Community,

As we enter into winter break, closing out a full semester of transformational work with schools, I'm feeling gratitude for the many partnerships and relationships we've been fortunate enough to cultivate in recent years.

First I'd like to recognize the districts and schools that have opened their doors to us this year. You are the reason we exist and your work and dedication are what keep us inspired. Much gratitude to Peñasco Independent School District, Mora Independent School District, Santa Fe Public Schools, (including Nye Early Childhood Center, Acequia Madre, Wood Gormley and ATC Charter School), and Monte del Sol Charter School.

We look forward to another semester of work with these same districts and schools as well as working with three new schools from SFPS: Nina Otero Community School, Kearny Elementary and the new early childhood center at SFPS.

We know that we couldn't do this work with schools alone. The organizations we work with are essential in the collaborative effort it takes to improve education in New Mexico.

The work with Dr. Amy McCconnell Franklin and SEL4NM continues to inform and enrich the Human-Centered Model of School Transformation with a focus on developing the emotional intelligence of the staff and families in the schools as well as the students.

Future Focused Education is working closely with some of the same schools as part of the state-wide innovation zone work. They are cultivating work-based learning, capstone projects, and graduate profiles in high schools, which directly connect to the compelling purpose work that many of our schools have done. We've been honored to be part of several collaborative convenings with FFE to highlight and learn from the work the schools are doing.

The good folks at the LANL Foundation have been key supporters, thought partners, and connectors for us in Northern New Mexico. Finally, a new budding relationship with the Center for Education and Study of Diverse Populations (CESDP) at New Mexico Highlands University is already starting to bear fruit as we work together to seed and nourish community-integrated, place-based learning in the area.

Thank you and happy holidays to all of our valued partners and collaborators.

As we move into this winter break, I'm reminded of the words of a literary mentor of mine, Parker Palmer, about the importance of taking time for oneself. He says,

"Self-care is never a selfish act - it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch.”

I hope that each one takes some time to rest, to connect authentically with yourself and with those you love. Happy Holidays to you all and thank you for the work you do in our community.

In Gratitude,

Zach Taylor

Executive Director The Center for Transforming Education

P.S. Let's connect!

P.S.S. Check out some good resources below!

Some resources to support your work:

Try this MountainMeditation.mp3 to help ground yourself for the holidays and to help build resilience for your work in the next semester.

Check out the EdUprising Conference in Albuquerque on March 1st, 2024.

Land Grant and Acequias Curriculum and Resources from CESPD: Place-based and culturally sustaining lesson ideas from our partners at New Mexico Highlands University.

Illuminating Standards Videos: Videos from that inspire projects and deeper Learning.

Great Projects (PBL)ideas with resources from PBL Works.

Note: For access to the full set of resources on the PBL Works site you'll need to register for free on their site. I recommend it. The resources are great and there's no spam).

Subscribe to this Newsletter to stay connected to our events, resources, and the CTED Community!


website: www.centerfortransforminged.orgReader


Hi! I'm Zach Taylor

Zach has been a leadership coach, trainer, facilitator and presenter for more than a decade. During this time, he has led and consulted with organizations in multiple sectors. Zach’s research, work, and presentations incorporate his deep interests in transformational leadership, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, organizational culture and climate, and systems thinking. He is a certified emotional intelligence leadership coach/consultant for leaders of all sectors as well as a trained mindfulness teacher. Zach lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico where he enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife, two daughters and community of friends.

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